Enschede Münster Combi Marathon
From now on you can register again for Enschede Münster Combi Marathon ‘edition 2024’. Under the title ‘Enschede Münster Combi Marathon’ you compete for the cross-border classification.
The combined final classification will be drawn up after the Volksbank Münster Marathon which will be held on Sunday, September 8, 2024. Enschede Marathon will take place on Sunday April 21, 2024.
A combined result with its own prize schedule. If you participate in both marathons, you will also receive an attractive discount on the registration fee (instead of € 125,- you pay € 100,-).
Prizes of € 500,- € 300,- and € 100,- respectively are available for the 1-2-3 fastest ladies and gentlemen of the cross-border classi fication. A raffle will also be held among all combi-classification runners, where various nice prizes can be won. You pay € 100,- to participate in the combi-classification. For this you will receive tickets for the Enschede Marathon and the Volksbank Münster Marathon.
Registration is possible via the regular registration page of our website. Under Demcon Marathon you tick participation in the combined classification.
You will receive a general confirmation via the email address provided.