KM Register now
Have you just started running? Are you recovering from an injury? Or are you aiming for a PR and therefore a very fast 5 km? It is all possible! The Univé FitRUN is a great distance for everyone aged 12 years and older. Will you join us?
Take up the challenge!
We look forward to seeing you at the start of the Univé FitRUN on April 13. So register today!
Participate in and experience the oldest marathon in the Netherlands.
What is included in your registration?
– BIB number with integrated time registration
– Medal
– Your results on our website
– Certificate (download)
– Traffic-free and officially measured race course
– Water and refreshment stations (with water, sports drinks and fruit) after the finish
– DJs along the route
– Possibility to book a locker for a fee of €5
Registration fee Univé FitRUN 5 km
Please note: when registering until March 20, you will receive a BIB number with your first name and you can also order the Enschede Marathon Runningshirt and BibBits. Also, based on your time, you will be assigned to the correct starting block. When registering after March 20, these options are no longer available.
– Pre-registration (with 20% discount) until May 9 2024: €7.50
– Pre-registration until January 1 2024: €9.00
– Pre-registration January 2nd to March 20, 2024: € 10,00
– Pre-registration March 21 to April 11, 2024: € 10,00 (without name on number)
– Registration in the marathon weekend: € 11,00 (without name on number)
Prize schedule
The Enschede Marathon 2025 prize schedule follows.
Click on the image to enlarge it.
Additional information
Sunday, April 13, 2024
Starting time Univé FitRUN 5 km
10.45 a.m.
Start and finish location
Boulevard 1945
Men (Minimal age 12 years)
Women(Minimal age 12 years)
The limit for covering the 5 km is 45 minutes. If you do not run within the set limit, the result will not be included in the results.nl
The race course is officially measured and certified according to the guidelines of the Dutch Athletics Association (Atletiekunie).